
Church links

What links do we have with our local churches?
We have strong links with St Mary's, Barcombe.
The Rector, Rev Sam Carter, is a regular visitor to school to teach RE alongside teachers and to lead a weekly collective worship. He is also a Federation governor.
We hold our Harvest, Christmas and Easter Services at St Mary's, Barcombe.
We visit St Francis Church as part of our RE topics and to interact with community groups.
Our Year 6 pupils attend the Diocesan Leavers' Celebration each year.
What charities does our school currently support?
Each class chooses a charity to support for an academic year and holds different fundraising events. 
Our children are currently choosing the charity to be supported by Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Badgers and Foxes.
Owls - Patina
We also support other charities during the year through a variety of events. These include Christian Aid, British Heart Foundation, Sport Relief, Comic Relief, Kent and Sussex Air Ambulance and Children in Need. 
Links with other schools
We have links with schools in France and Sierra Leone.